Do you Suffer from ...

  • Being Too Serious

    Not having enough playful fun and laughs in life, worrying and feeling anxious about surviving

  • Lack of Creativity

    You don't use your creative talents in life which makes life boring and restricts your ability to manifest your dream lifestyle

  • Unresolved Childhood Issues

    You still have issues that relate to your childhood experiences that severely impact your adult experiences; like rejection

How would you feel if you could enjoy the freedom & magic of accessing the wonder of your gifts of your inner child

How would you feel if you could enjoy the freedom & magic of accessing the wonder of your gifts of your inner child

How accessing your inner child will TRANSFORM your life ...

  • Bring JOY to every life experience with a playful approach

  • LETTING GO of unresolved childhood issues that have been toxic to your life; freeing yourself from the limited perspectives of life that have put you in a prison of emotional suffering

  • Making life feel MAGICAL by using your unique higher abilities

  • Trusting your INTUITION in what you know & feel

  • Being highly CREATIVE using your childlike-imagination to open yourself to more opportunities in life and manifest your dream lifestyle

  • Giving yourself permission to do FUN ACTIVITIES your inner child loves to do

Course curriculum

Course Facilitators

Sophie Johnson & Paul Statton

  • Sophie  Johnson

    Course Facilitator

    Sophie Johnson

    Sophie works with the magical & cosmic realms, channeling light codes, spoken word & intuitive guidance for her clients. Sophie’s passion is to guide you to deeper self-understanding, and self-belief, to remember your Magic, and BE your SOUL! She brings the essence of joy & an aura of love with her into every session & offering, encouraging you to playfully reconnect with your heart & your inner child. She is here on Earth to support, guide, and uplift~ through her energetic and spiritual work You can contact Sophie at her email: [email protected]

    Holistic Healing Educator


    Paul is a healing wizard who is passionate to help people reconnect to the magic, playfulness & beauty of their soul essence so they can free themselves from suffering by healing themselves through feeling worthy & confident to manifest their dream lifestyle, especially to share their unique healing gifts; email @ [email protected]


Early bird price of $97 up to the end of August 2022; then price will be $147.