Do you have the following challenges?

... that cause you suffering

  • Lack Confidence

    You would like to help people heal but don't feel confident yet due to issues with low self-belief; not feeling good enough

  • Feel Lost

    You lack clarity of who you are as a healer and your life purpose so your current life lacks the direction and deep meaning

  • Feel Trapped

    You feel stuck in an unfulfilling lifestyle, always stressed working long hours in an unsatisfying job not being able to have time for the things you really want to do with family and friends

  • Get Affected by Others

    You are often drained by others as you are highly sensitive so are easily affected by others, especially dominating people and your toxic work environment

  • Unsure how to create a thriving healing business

    You don't know how to create the systems to take people through a healing process, unsure how to create sufficient regular clients and manifest a healing business that leverages your time

Are you ready for life transformation?

want to stop suffering in survival mode and regain control of your life again so you are excited and feel joy?

       Are you ready for life transformation?

Would You Like These Outcomes ?


    Know who you are and your role as a healer so you feel you have direction and purpose in life ... have meaning knowing you can make a contribution to reduce suffering


    Have the confidence by accessing your magical healing powers so you can remove any illness symptom in as little as 20 minutes ... on yourself, your family and others


    Be empowered to master your energy so you know how to re-energize yourself regularly and have the vitality to enjoy life with your family & friends


    By accessing your magical healing powers and using a fast-proven healing system, you can create a healing business with clients paying you at least $3,000 or more ... so you can leave your unfulfilling job


    Discover how to take someone through a healing process, how to market your healing services (including online), and how to create high-value healing programs so you have an international healing business online


... overcome your painful challenges & access your paradise lifestyle


Be Queen/King of Your World

How we help you become an intuitive healer

  • You get personal regular support to tailor the course to your specific learning needs

  • Be empowered by knowing how to access your magical healing powers

  • Discover your specific role as a healer giving you clarity & confidence on how you can help people heal

  • How to master your energy for vitality and strength to deal with life challenges

  • Give you a fast proven method to quickly and easily identify underlying issues relating to illness symptoms and how to transmute this issue for people so their body can return to a state of wellness and they feel joyful and excited by connecting to their soul essence

  • Regain control of your life by become a healing entrepreneur running your own business in as little as 6 months, having $3,000 + clients and earning as little as $9,000/ month

Discover the 6 KEY STEPS to take so you can easily achieve your healer dream

How to create your dream lifestyle as a successful healer with time freedom and abundance with a thriving healing business, while you are making a major contribution to reducing human suffering in the world

  • Connect deeply to your HEALING ABILITIES, your SOUL ESSENCE & LIFE PURPOSE, so you know how you can specifically help others heal

  • Know how to take someone through the HEALING PROCESS, especially knowing how to use your intuition to connect to the clients' energy to determine the underlying causes of a person's illnesses

  • Discover the specific ONE CORE ISSUE you help people overcome

  • Develop your UNIQUE SOLUTION that helps people overcome this core issue so they can achieve their SPECIFIC desired outcomes; this is based on your unique healing powers and life purpose as a healer; this solution incorporates the CORE MESSAGES you have for the world

  • Design your HIGH-VALUE HEALING COURSE that incorporates this unique solution in a step-by-step framework so people know how to specifically overcome the 1 core issue you help them with ; have tools & techniques for people to change their life

  • Create your ONLINE AUTOMATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS that markets your online course so you leverage your time, access a huge client base and can create huge abundance; your marketing is based on your core issue you help people with and the key messages you have for people in your unique solution

Social proof: testimonials




“Paul's course has changed my life on such a profound level. I have completed many other courses, but none of them compare to the depth that this course offers - as well as the 1 on 1 + group Q+A sessions that Paul offers. They are invaluable + allow you to really delve deep within your own personal healing journey with Paul's insight + guidance. I have felt so supported in every possible way, and I would not be where I am on my journey (both personally + professionally) if I had not enrolled. No other healing course or mentor for that matter has made such an impact on my life. I have also met many incredible, supportive students through the course which have kept me motivated + inspired. I can't recommend Paul's course highly enough. It's an absolute game-changer. So grateful to have connected with Paul - who is full of wisdom + has the best of intentions for all of his students. Thank you Paul!:)”



Paul has given me the exact support, guidance and self-confidence I really needed! I have done many other healing courses as well as coaching programs, which I learned & gained a lot from~ however still didn’t feel totally confident in my abilities to fully put myself out there and actually BE a healer / who I know I’m meant to be in the world. THIS COURSE has helped me to finally believe in myself, and Paul’s support and the time he puts into you individually is amazzzzzzzing (haven’t had this level of 1:1 support & attention from any other program or course I’ve done) ~ from the 1:1 Q&A’s to group calls, to Paul actually watching & giving feedback on your healing sessions !!!! Plus teaching you exactly how to tap into your unique gifts & share that in your own online course ~ is exactly what I needed and came at the perfect divine time so so grateful for Paul’s wisdom & knowledge, and for his belief and consistent attention that he gives to each of his students!



Thanks, Paul. I really loved the course, it has been a great experience. You have included some unique and beneficial healing techniques that I was unaware of in all my years of studying healing. You have also provided a wide range of learning resources to compliment the process. The pace of learning is steady with the Q & A sessions creating space to cover aspects of the module needing clarification before moving onto the next module. It was also refreshing to have someone who was available to reassure me when I needed it. You put the fun back into learning. Thanks, Paul, you are a great teacher and mentor with a lot of wisdom to share.



“This course has truly transformed my life, mindset, and well-being. Each module is designed to help you awaken the dormant spaces in your embodiment. Changes made within have rippled into my family and all areas of my life. It has helped me to be WHO I truly desire to be and live the desired life to my best ability. Paul is a great mentor and a great teacher and friend. I have no doubt that everyone who journeys this walk will truly find what they've been looking for, which has always been within. It just needed to be awoken/reminded. Much love and blessings to you all! I am truly grateful for you and the guidance you've given me thus far. I am excited about the future. THANK YOU "



“This course is absolutely amazing. It has taught me so much about myself. I am opening up more to who I am and self-worth. Just yesterday at a sibling family gathering was I felt comfortable talking about understanding what my purpose is in life. I talked about healing and my online business that I am creating. One family member commented on my passion and knowing what I was about. Many questions were asked from people who believe in the outdated education system. I noticed that some find me being more comfortable with self challenging.”

Deep Learnings


It has deepened my awareness of what healing really is, how to facilitate a journey for a person to heal themselves and has enabled a trust in my connection with Spirit to let Magic and Power come through



I am truly grateful for your guiding light and sharing of wisdom. It has really enabled me to have uplevel my awareness and claim my wholeness like never before

Course Facilitator


    Holistic Healing Educator


    Paul is a healing wizard who is passionate to help people reconnect to the magic, playfulness & beauty of their soul essence so they can free themselves from suffering by healing themselves through feeling worthy & confident to manifest their dream lifestyle, especially to share their unique healing gifts; email @ [email protected]

About Paul

Why you can learn from him

  • Paul has been a holistic healer for over 25 years, working 1-1 with people from over 50 countries which has empowered him to know what works & doesn't work in becoming a successful healer ... he reveals the many myths about healing and being a healer

  • Helps you connect to your higher magical abilities so you get clarity & confidence on how you can specifically help others heal ... this gives you direction as a healer to create a meaningful life of contribution

  • Has a unique trilogy of a deep understanding of healing, expertise in creating courses and skills in creating an online business ... so can help you regain control of your life with your own thriving healing business

  • Understands the importance of support so you will get individual & group support every step of the way

  • He has his own online school, the Academy for Life Mastery, with over 8 online courses

  • Paul has written 5 books on healing & learning; you get all these free in the course

Course curriculum


To learn more about this course and how you can become an intuitive healer using your magical powers, click on the button below



Up front investment of $6,995, includes $3,000 of bonuses. If you would like an instalment plan contact Paul at [email protected]


discover the joy of your magical treasures as an intuitive healer

I'M IN !!