Do you suffer from?

  • Confusion what to eat

    You are overwhelmed by all the contradicting information about what to eat and not eat, leaving your feeling totally confused

  • Diets not working for you

    Tried all these different diets but none of them seem to work, so you are constantly overweight and feel bad about yourself

  • Always drained, exhausted & tired

    You are constantly lacking energy and vitality to do the things you really enjoy doing in life

  • Having An Eating Disorder

    Do you have an eating disorder you cannot fix; like a food addiction, allergies, obesity, diabetes or anorexia?

Confused with many conflicting views on food?

 Confused with many conflicting views on food?

You are always hungry!

 You are always hungry!

Would you like these Outcomes?

  • Clarity on what to Eat

    To know what your body really requires to be nourished and in a high vitality

  • Can Clear Toxins out of your body easily

    Know how to easily clear toxic energies from your body naturally, e.g. heavy metal ingredients in vaccinations

  • Know How to Energise Your Food

    Would you like to be empowered to ensure all your food is in a high vibration?

  • Transmute Health Issues related to Nutrition

    Discover the underlying causes of any eating disorders so they can be transmuted and enable you to regain a healthy body and lifestyle

OMG ... REALLY !!!

Yes Please

 OMG ... REALLY !!!


Why this course is unique and powerful

  • Holistic Approach

    Traditional nutritional approaches only take a physical approach to food, instead we take a holistic approach based on energy

  • Empowers Your Body

    Instead of giving you theories of what you should eat and not eat, we focus on showing you how to communicate to YOUR BODY and asking what it requires

  • Empowers You

    You are given simple practical ways to clear all your foods of toxins and energize your food so you can maximize your nutritional intake

Social proof: testimonials

Why The World Needs To Hear This


I love your perspective. Really resonates with me. I love how succinct you are! So easy to listen to and so easy to absorb the info the way you deliver it. There was some info I really needed to hear.

Body-Food Relationship


I realise that I need to change the relationship that I have with food and beverage and other sources of energy. Things like eating slowly, making sure I think good thoughts, putting love in food and drinks, listening to good music, etc. Thanks

New Perspective


It has helped me look at food differently and changed my relationship with food in a positive way. Making sure that the energy consumed is happy, thriving and nourishing energy, by giving thanks and removing all the energy that doesn't serve me before consumption.

Course curriculum